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A nice run with a negative split!

Since today is a holiday (BC day) I slept in a bit had a good breakfast and hit the trails at 10:00 am. I was just going to run a slow 8.2 Km or two laps around the university. I felt really heavy at first and my speed felt much slower than the effort I was putting into it. It was considerably cooler today than the past two weeks but I was still feeling a bit slow. I decided to crank up my effort from my average 5 (on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being race day effort), to about 8 or 80% of race day effort. So I really began to crank. I finished my first lap and hit my split button on my watch and kept going. I was pretty tired but was still giving a good effort. I checked my split time and realized I had finished lap one less than 22 minutes which is a first since starting my intense training schedule. I decided not to stop at lap one but to keep my effort up around 8. I saw quite a few people on the run so I began to use them as an excuse to really crank, you know, so I could try to look cooler than I really am. Finally on the last Km I saw a strong runner in front of me about 100 meters and I noticed I was catching him. So I just really pushed. I used some top secret visualization techniques (I can't divulge since I will be relying on the strategies to give me a leg up during my races this year) and began to close the gap. With 100 meters to go I had closed the gap to less than 10 meters and then the guy veered off the trail and I finished my lap and hit stop on my watch. I was super stoked I had improved my time from my previous lap by 4 seconds, a negative split, my first since this bout of training! I was pumped. I came home showered and filled out my log, browsed some running sites, and wrote this blog. I think I am going to take the fam to check out some new trails I will be running on soon for my long weekend runs. I love running what a great facet of my life.


Tim said…
Might as well call you speed racer. Keep it up man, I can't wait to be able to train a little more.
echoplex89 said…
lydiard began experimenting with long distance in 1944, when he was 27.

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